Readout of the Secretary-General’s meeting with H.E. Mr. Sitiveni Ligamamada Rabuka, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Climate Change and Environment, Civil Service, Information and Public Enterprise of the Republic of Fiji
19 September 2023

The Secretary-General met with H.E. Mr. Sitiveni Ligamamada Rabuka, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, Climate Change and Environment, Civil Service, Information and Public Enterprise of the Republic of Fiji.
He thanked Fiji for its contribution to United Nations Peacekeeping and highlighted the cooperation between the Fiji government and the United Nations in advancing gender equality in Fiji. The Secretary-General and the Prime Minister exchanged views on global challenges, including action on climate change, financing for SDGs and the special circumstances of Small Island Developing States. The Secretary-General also welcomed Fiji’s role in fostering regional peace and unity and Pacific efforts to drive resilient sustainable development.